[SGR] OS Gauge Listing Request

Gauge Request Presentation:

  • Targeted Pair: 0x480d702d7a887e22d35917a320057388a7a5d096
  • IBT contract address: 0x9F0dF7799f6FDAd409300080cfF680f5A23df4b1
  • Current TVL on in the Pair’s liquidity: $27.98
  • Current TVL as IBT: $720K
  • Origin Protocol Twitter: x.com
  • Origin Protocol Discord: Origin Protocol
  • Origin Protocol Telegram: Telegram: Contact @originprotocol
  • chain : Sonic

Simple summary:

Origin Sonic (OS) was launched in January 2025 and is an EVM LST that generates yield while sitting in your wallet. Similar to how OETH and superOETH earn yield from ETH staking, OS earns yield from S staking. OS was built reusing a large amount of the code from OETH and SuperOETH, both of which are already supported assets on Spectra.

wOS is a ERC-4626 tokenized vault designed to accrue yield in price rather than in quantity. When you wrap wOS, you get back a fixed number of wOS tokens. This number will not go up - you will have the same number of wOS tokens tomorrow as you have today. However, the number of wOS tokens that you can unwrap to will go up over time, as wOS earns yield at the same rate as standard wOS. The wOS to OS exchange rate can be read from the contract (function number 16), or via the OS dapp.

Current exchange rate as of 1/23/25: 1 wOS = 1.00068531 OS

This proposal aims to add a Gauge for the wOS LP Spectra Pair. The pool for the wOS LP pair is live since January 23, 2025.

We’d like to add this pool to Spectra’s gauge system to incentive liquidity of our PT, as it would facilitate the creation of a liquid market between those who want to long the wOS yield and those who want to lock in their yield.

Benefit of this integration for Origin protocol

  • Additional yield opportunities for the community
  • Increase the visibility of the project
  • Increase the TVL of the liquidity pool

Benefit of this integration for Spectra

  • Increase the tokenized TVL and the AMM TVL
  • Diversify the yield possibilities
  • Increase Spectra’s visibility
  • bribes for SPECTRA token holders


OS TVL: $720K (1.26M S )

Community stats:
Twitter: 170.7k followers
Discord: 44,989 members
Telegram: 21,639 members

Community poll:

  • Yes, add wOS pool to Spectra’s gauge system
  • No, do not add wOS to Spectra’s gauge system
  • Yes, add wOS pool to Spectra’s gauge system
  • No, do not add wOS to Spectra’s gauge system
0 voters
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