Creating a Dune dashboard for APWine's DAO

Dune dashboard for APWine’s DAO

It appears that APWine doesn’t have any Dune dashboard dedicated to its metrics. It would be great to have a Dune dashboard to keep track of key metrics for the DAO

The goal of this proposal is to breakdown what the DAO considers as “most important metrics”

General Stats (Ethereum/Polygon)

  • Volume (total inflow & outflow in protocol)


  • holders
  • Price
  • Market cap
  • Circulating Supply
  • Max Supply
  • Supply distribution
  • Volume traded
  • Circulating supply VS Max Supply
    Chart over time
  • Market Cap VS TVL Ratio
    Chart over time
  • Buying pressure VS Selling pressure Ratio
    Chart over time


  • holders
    Chart over time
  • Supply
    Chart over time
  • Average veAPW per holder
  • Supply locked VS Circulating Supply Ratio
    Chart over time

TVL Breakdown (Ethereum/Polygon)

  • Tokenized TVL
    (Amount of IBT deposited in the protocol)
  • Exchange liquidity
    (Amount of liquidity deposited in each pair of the AMM including the underlying)
  • Pools TVL with separation for PT/Underlying & PT/FYT
    (Amount of liquidity deposited in each pair of the corresponding AMM)

Allocate 1500$ of APWine’s treasury

Voting options:
Allocate 1500$ of the treasury for dashboard
Do not allocate 1500$ of the treasury
Need more time to think of “important metrics”

  • Allocate 1500$ of APWine’s treasury
  • Do not allocate 1500$ of APWine’s treasury
  • Need more time to think of “important metrics”

0 voters

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Would this be a bounty? Who would be paid to make this dashboard?

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Hello ser, thanks for this proposal ! :fire:

As @CoolGuy said, would you create this dashboard or is it just an idea ?
If it’s you, could you please share some other dashboards you did in the past please ?

Also, i’m guessing that you proposed this by seeing the bounty channel on discord, which is related to dework. It’s my fault because I didn’t made any announcement on it yet, but i’ll push a proposal today to allocate a budget for the bounties, and another one to elect signers that will be in charge of the multisig.

Also, there is a way for the community to directly suggest new bounties ideas, such as your dune dashboard idea, could you post it on dework directly please ?

  1. Go to APWine DAO | Dework
  2. Select Tech Bounties
  3. Select community suggestions and add one

Hi guys,
My original thought was “me” because I didn’t think anyone would be interested in building such dashboard. But I came to realize that it can be great, if anyone is also interested and wants to provide data, to make it as a splittable task between participants.
It’s also something easy to consider due to the way Dune works (separate queries)

I wasn’t aware of the bounties page (It looks great!).
I reached out to the team on Twitter and they told me to post my proposal on the forum.

I’ll post the bounty on the Dework page :+1:

My Dune dashboards


Yes usually for DAO expenses it’s done with a governance work, however as the bounties are small expenses, I just posted a proposal to define a budget for it and another one to create a committee in charge to review and make the payments, which is why it creates a double with this proposal

About the split task, I think it can interest @jjnnbbtt on discord, i’ll ping you both on the discord thread once the bounty is created

And yes the bounty page is really new I didn’t got the time to announce it yet haha

Thanks for the dune dashboards link, I check this asap


You can find the bounty here: Create a Dune Dashboard for APWine DAO | Dework

I’ll move this post to bounties ideas category thanks again for posting