Dune dashboard for APWine’s DAO
It appears that APWine doesn’t have any Dune dashboard dedicated to its metrics. It would be great to have a Dune dashboard to keep track of key metrics for the DAO
The goal of this proposal is to breakdown what the DAO considers as “most important metrics”
General Stats (Ethereum/Polygon)
- Volume (total inflow & outflow in protocol)
- holders
- Price
- Market cap
- Circulating Supply
- Max Supply
- Supply distribution
- Volume traded
- Circulating supply VS Max Supply
Chart over time
- Market Cap VS TVL Ratio
Chart over time
- Buying pressure VS Selling pressure Ratio
Chart over time
- holders
Chart over time
- Supply
Chart over time
- Average veAPW per holder
- Supply locked VS Circulating Supply Ratio
Chart over time
TVL Breakdown (Ethereum/Polygon)
- Tokenized TVL
(Amount of IBT deposited in the protocol)
- Exchange liquidity
(Amount of liquidity deposited in each pair of the AMM including the underlying)
- Pools TVL with separation for PT/Underlying & PT/FYT
(Amount of liquidity deposited in each pair of the corresponding AMM)
Allocate 1500$ of APWine’s treasury
Voting options:
Allocate 1500$ of the treasury for dashboard
Do not allocate 1500$ of the treasury
Need more time to think of “important metrics”
- Allocate 1500$ of APWine’s treasury
- Do not allocate 1500$ of APWine’s treasury
- Need more time to think of “important metrics”
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Would this be a bounty? Who would be paid to make this dashboard?
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Hello ser, thanks for this proposal ! 
As @CoolGuy said, would you create this dashboard or is it just an idea ?
If it’s you, could you please share some other dashboards you did in the past please ?
Also, i’m guessing that you proposed this by seeing the bounty channel on discord, which is related to dework. It’s my fault because I didn’t made any announcement on it yet, but i’ll push a proposal today to allocate a budget for the bounties, and another one to elect signers that will be in charge of the multisig.
Also, there is a way for the community to directly suggest new bounties ideas, such as your dune dashboard idea, could you post it on dework directly please ?
- Go to APWine DAO | Dework
- Select Tech Bounties
- Select community suggestions and add one
Hi guys,
My original thought was “me” because I didn’t think anyone would be interested in building such dashboard. But I came to realize that it can be great, if anyone is also interested and wants to provide data, to make it as a splittable task between participants.
It’s also something easy to consider due to the way Dune works (separate queries)
I wasn’t aware of the bounties page (It looks great!).
I reached out to the team on Twitter and they told me to post my proposal on the forum.
I’ll post the bounty on the Dework page 
My Dune dashboards
Yes usually for DAO expenses it’s done with a governance work, however as the bounties are small expenses, I just posted a proposal to define a budget for it and another one to create a committee in charge to review and make the payments, which is why it creates a double with this proposal
About the split task, I think it can interest @jjnnbbtt on discord, i’ll ping you both on the discord thread once the bounty is created
And yes the bounty page is really new I didn’t got the time to announce it yet haha
Thanks for the dune dashboards link, I check this asap
You can find the bounty here: Create a Dune Dashboard for APWine DAO | Dework
I’ll move this post to bounties ideas category thanks again for posting