Improve the governance framework with quorum updates according to the last votes and protocol improvements.
APIRs: The main focus of the APIRs was the winelisting events when we published the framework, however, since the APGP 2, veAPW holders can vote on their favorite pools to redirect the rewards.
Then, the APIP 3 was about deploying a Smart Wallet Checker, allowing multi-sigs and contracts to be whitelisted to lock APW tokens after a successful proposal.
As a reminder, the current quorum voted for APIRs is 2.5% of the total votes with 3 days voting period.
APGPs: The main focus of APGPs is about the treasury actions. There aren’t any new types of expenses to add to this category.
As a reminder, the current quorum voted for APGPs is 10% of the total votes and 6 days voting period.
APIPs: The main focus about APIPs is about important changes on the protocol or on the governance framework. There aren’t any new types of changes to add to this category.
As a reminder, the current quorum voted for APIPs is 20% of the total votes and 10 days of voting period.
As the governance participation increases on APWine, the goal of this proposal is to integrate the whitelist process in the APIR category, and propose an update of the quorums and voting periods to make the governance more fluid.
The 48h feedback period on the forum would remain unchanged.
Proposed modifications:
APIRs: Integrate the whitelist process, increase the quorum from 2.5% to 5% of the total votes and keep the 3 days voting period.
APGPs : Keep the 10% quorum, and reduce the voting period from 6 days to 5 days.
APIPs: Reduce the quorum from 20% to 15%, and reduce the voting period from 10 days to 7 days.
These modifications should help improve the implementation delays in the future.
No treasury funds - No dev work
Technical implementation:
Voting options:
- Yes, implement all modifications
- Only implement APIRs modifications
- Only implement APGPs modifications
- Only Implement APIPs modifications
- No, don’t implement any changes
- Abstain
0 voters