APGP 8: Organize Community Calls

[APGP 8] : Organize Community Calls

Key words:
Community Call, Governance,


Put together a small group of volunteers(or push for the current moderators/admins) to be in charge of setting up bi-monthly or monthly community calls to discuss: current and upcoming snapshot proposals, dev updates, Question & Answer session as well as general discussion on the state of crypto(news, events, alpha, and just general fun light talk)


Like any DeFi project, community is very important to the well-being of the protocol and its meaning in the crypto universe. That is why it’s important to organize 1 or 2 General Community Calls per month. Giving APW users a feeling of community and general goodwill, which is key to creating an active and healthy governing body.


In the creation of General Community Calls, we enable the community to better involve themselves in the progress and identity of APW. Keeping everyone up to date on the progress of governance in the discourse and snapshot, as well as drumming up interest for new dev developments!
Also, including Question & Answer segments with general discussion will enable users to better understand their peers and understand where their fellow Wine Enjoyers stand. , A second discussion will need to take place to elect which member(s) will lead the community calls. A group of individuals who volunteer will be put on the docket initially, however anyone can add themselves through replying to the post.

→ Have the Discord moderators/admins create a Stage for users to join.
→ Create an announcement in the discord and Twitter for every time there is a General Community Call so that people may be made aware of its existence.
→ Have one of the moderators or a dev available in Stage for doing Q&A or sharing new developments.
→ Moderators/admin work to keep stage fair and clean so that dev’s do not get interrupted and users are able to share their thoughts.

Voting options:

  • Yes: I’m in favor of starting General Community Calls Monthly
  • Yes: I’m in favor of starting General Community Calls Bi-Weekly
  • Yes: I’m in favor of starting General Community Calls Weekly
  • No: I’m not favor of starting General Community Calls Bi-weekly
  • Abstain

0 voters


Hey @CoolGuy thanks for starting this discussion !

I fully agree about this, we also started to dicuss about it with @Starny to it will be easier to coordinate the ideas :fire:


I am very much in favor of this. It’s important to be able to gather the community and learn about the team’s progress. At the moment it’s hard to follow and find the interviews that the team gives on different channels.


As a significant part of APWine’s audience is french, the youtube channels of Paladin and Jarvis are a good example to follow, in addition to our CC on discord
In addition to gathering all their CC, interviews, conferences…, Jarvis(Pascal) offers community calls in English and in French and Paladin ( :wave:@Starny) recap of CC in French
The ratio FR/EN in number of views shows that it is a useful service for many followers of these “Future of france” projects !


I intend to make the CC recaps in French like on Paladin :wink: :kissing_heart:


I fully agree about starting monthly community calls that cover all the topics mentioned above, but we could also have weekly calls focused on governance aspect if needed

Not sure if it’s needed considering that the Team will be there if there is dev updates, Q&A, events, alpha etc as you mentioned above, any volunteer can be there too, also if anyone from the community prepared something and want to talk about it on a community call, it shouldn’t be an issue as long as it’s related to the call.
Also community will be able to participate by doing some tasks on Dework for example the community calls recap in French as mentioned Starny


Hey guys, quick update before pushing the vote:
The idea is to have a monthly community call on twitter space (date can be different each months) and a weekly governance call on Discord (Day TBD)

The community calls would cover:

  • Presentation of the speakers
  • General progress: new deployments, events & hackatons
  • Devs updates
  • Governance & bounties updates
  • Potential partners / New Integrations requests
  • Q&A
  • POAPs

The governance calls would be focused on proposals and bounties and would last 15-30min each week on discord.

Lmk if there is additional suggestions otherwise I’ll launch the vote on Monday.