APGP 12 : Bounties committee multisig election

Elect 8 members that will manage the bounties committee and multisig

As mentioned in the APGP 11, the goal of this proposal is to include the community in a bounty multisig as improvement toward more decentralization.

The multisig will only handle the payment of the bounties for now, but the governance could decide to add more responsibilities in the future. As the multisig is on Polygon, the DAO will send 20 Matic to each signer to cover the gas fees.

Any member unable to sign proposals for a month will be excluded for efficiency purposes.

A few core team members will also participate in the election.

(Since there will not be many bounties transactions in the beginning, the participation will not be incentivized for now, but it could be in the future)

Technical implementation:

  • Create the multisig
  • Add each signer to the multisig

Voting options:
This will be a cumulative vote, where 8 members are selected by the highest vote count and if they passe the 5M votes support threshold

  • Candidate A
  • Candidate B
  • ā€¦.
  • Abstain

To participate, please introduce your application on this forum post before 25/05/22 at 11 pm UTC, elections will start on the 26th.


I would like to apply to this post, so here is my introduction:

My name is Bertrand, Iā€™m 24 years old, I live in Belgium and Iā€™m still a student (Iā€™m studying dietetics, I know it has nothing to do with crypto but Iā€™ve always liked to take care of my health and the health of others).
I was taken by passion by the ā€œDeFiā€ or at least what I thought was the DeFi at that time (pancakeswap etc. :rofl:) before really approaching in the real DeFi with the Curve Wars, the Aave loan, etc. and now the futur yield with APWine ! :grapes:

Why me ?
As a student, I often have a computer near to me and a lot of free time to review and sign :innocent:
I have a already have experience of multisig because Iā€™m in Jarvisā€™ multisig and Paladinā€™s multisig which is coming soon.

Iā€™ll be happy to help a project that I like and use.

Cheers ! :wine_glass:


I also want to apply within the multisig election. I discovered the DEFI in 2019. Since then I have been interested in it on a daily basis: I try to understand the fundamental aspects, the technological evolution of this ecosystem, what is happening in the DAOs and the synergies that there may be between all of them.

I have been following APWine since its launch and APW came at the right time to the maturity of the defi. The ecosystem needs a solution that allows efficiency in terms of returns in strategies or automated vaults.

I hope that many candidates will apply and that we will have a quality multisig which above all serves the interests of the DAO.


Hello! My name is Luke and I am the president of DEFI for Blockchain at ASU club which is located at Arizona State Univerity (State of Arizona in the United States of America). I have been in the crypto space since 2016, but really got involved in 2019 and into 2020 with yield farming and liquidity mining like comp mining and uniswap v2 lp farming. *Anyone remember yam? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I have been tracking this project for quite a while, but only joined in when their final version was released in late December. I believe APW has a strong future to someday be seen amongst the current DEFI primitives like Curve, Maker, and Uniswap.

I am apart of the Blockchain at ASU club multisig, and for most of 2020 I was active in the MakerDAO discourse. Decentralized Finance is a passion of mine and so I spend quite a lot of my time researching and learning in the space. If you have any questions about defi or finance in general fee free to dm me. :smiley:

Also, I am quite active within Governance for APW, and I hope my joining of the multisig will help protect and expand APW to even greater heights!

Thank you for reading and please consider me for APW multisig. :muscle: :muscle:


I just realized that I didnā€™t submitted my application on the post so here we go haha

Iā€™m a French native, passionate by Defi since about two years and spending most of my time in this ecosystem. Iā€™m involved in several governance, including APWine of course which I followed since the start, and now working on growing and improving the DAO :wine_glass:
Iā€™m also a multisig signer at Paladin and Jarvis, Paladin delegate, and part of Llama which is a group of community members that help creating management strategies for DAO treasuries.

I hope weā€™ll see more applications to grow this bounty committee :fire:


Hi there !

Iā€™d like to apply too :partying_face:
Iā€™m Cyrille, 35, french entrepreneur and passionate about DeFi.
Iā€™ve been following APWine for quite a long time (i remember a live session Antoine made with TokenBrice a long time ago), and i just love the project.

I also organize monthly events in Toulouse, south of France about investments (any kind, but mostly DeFi) in order to increase awareness about managing our wealth and enpowering our financial freedom.

Iā€™d be happy and honored to contribute in a way or another. This could be a nice first step if the community gives me that opportunity. :relaxed:


Iā€™m applying to be part of the APWine bounties committee and multisig, so hereā€™s some info about me for those who donā€™t know me yet:

I am a 38 year old French entrepreneur, angel investor and advisor living in Dubai, UAE.
I have been in crypto for a decade now and involved in DeFi ecosystem and DAOs since 2019 (like Maker, Curve, Paraswap, APWine, Paladin, etcā€¦)

I would be happy to help, serve and secure the APWine protocol.


Hello I would like to apply too as a multisig participant. Being close and following the project since the beginning I would enjoy helping in this way. I use multi sig every(other)day and can help with the setup if needed :slight_smile:



Sigri, 30 years old, I am also a candidate and available to be a co-signer. Present in the blockchain world for almost 10 years, first on the technical side, and now also as an investor, I am interested in a large part of the DeFi protocols.

I work for a famous Swiss on/off-ramp entity, and Iā€™m very active in the RealT community, as a Community Developer, and member of the pre-DAO

Relatively present in the twittosphere (coucou Sam), I also try to participate in the #FrenchCharts movement to promote nice strategies.

Present in some small DAO to help out, mastering a multisig has no secret for me!

Have a nice day.


Hi there! Iā€™m Z, a contributor to Web3 projects since 2017 aka DeFi boomer. Iā€™m currently supporting APWineā€™s comms & content and would happily help to form the APWine Grants initiative. I"m a builder myself! WIll be a pleasure to join the APW bounty committee :ok_hand:



Happy to also be self-nominating and provide some more information on myself. Iā€™m a 22 Years Old Crypto Native with some work experience in traditional finance and a small fund. Asides from that my real strengths come from my experience as a DAO Contributor and Multi-Sig Signer. Iā€™m a long time member of the BancorDAO as well as many new and upcoming DAOs such as Silo, Paraswap, APWine (Here!), and UMA (SuperUman). In ParaSwap Iā€™m also currently a Treasury Multi-Sig Signer across every chain.


Thanks everyone for posting !
Since we got 10 candidates I suggest to increase to a 5/9 Multisig, iā€™ll post the vote in a few


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