SGP 4 - Activate fee collection

The Team initially planned to wait for Spectra’s TVL to grow before deciding how the fees would be collected. However, after gathering feedback from the community, we found it feasible to activate fee collection immediately, and let the community decide on the distribution method.


Activate Spectra Protocol’s fee collection to start distributing fees from the protocol to the DAO and APW lockers.


The Spectra Protocol has the capability to collect fees from underlying yields and bribes. By turning on the fee collection, we aim to activate the fee collection process
This will enable the protocol to begin accumulating the following fees: 3% of the underlying yield from tokenized assets and 10% from the bribes made to voters.
These fees will be directed to various actors within the Spectra Protocol, the distribution method will be voted on in an upcoming proposal.


Activating the fee distribution will further incentivize token lockers and align their interests closely with the Spectra Protocol. This alignment enhances the value proposition for participants who lock their tokens, fostering a stronger and more engaged community.


We propose to activate the fee collection within the Spectra Protocol. This will effectively levy 3% of the underlying yield from tokenized assets, and 10% from the bribes made to the voters. The exact method of distribution and the allocation proportions will be determined in future proposals, allowing for community input and consensus.

Voting options:

  • Yes, activate Spectra Protocol’s fee collection
  • No, Yes, do not activate Spectra Protocol’s fee collection
  • Abstain
  • Yes
  • No
  • Abstain
0 voters

I support that proposal and would push my view on collecting the fees to “Buyback & Lock in POL” as I explain it here